Sunday, July 12, 2015


Monday, July 6, 2015

This past week I really saw the power of the Book of Mormon as we prepared our friend, Fernanda, during her last week for her baptism. She was a reference from a less active member and we called her right away and from the very first lesson she told us she wanted to be baptized because she had already been reading the Book of Mormon and learning about the church. She told us how spiritually strong she always felt as she read and every time we sat and talked with her and taught about the gospel. She told us that everything about the church makes sense to her, not just in her heart but also in her head. All because she was reading and preparing herself before we even got there.

An apostle of the Lord once said that if you take away the Book of Mormon from our church you have no religion. This sacred book is the keystone of our religion and the most correct book of any on the earth. I would like to add my testimony and witness to that statement as I have seen the power that it has in my own life and conversion, and in the lives of the people that I teach. I love seeing people change because of a testimony, but seeing peoples lives change because of the testimony of many ancient prophets and true followers of Christ teaches me that the righteous men who wrote the book really were called of God.

I love this church and feel incredibly lucky to be a part of it. As the Introduction to the Book of Mormon invites us, we have to read and ponder and have a real desire to know. Then if we ask God in faith, He will show unto each one of us, in his own time and way that what we are reading and learning is true.

Com amor

Sister Anderson

my "daugther" "cookin" in the apron from the Andergrands

when i received 3 packages that one time

Sister Mcmakin's first time eating Brigadeiro!

Fernanda eating a "York" from the states. she loved it. 

she was so sick at her own baptism but when she came out of the water she told us "I'm healed" :)

"the happiest moment of my life"

literally 5 seconds before it was run over...


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