Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentines day.....

Monday, February 16, 2015

So I forget when holidays happen in the US and didn't realize until the morning of the 14th that it was Valentines Day :) BUT, I made cute little valentines for the sisters I live with and my companion so phew!

Also shout out to BIG COLE ANDERSON!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOO 16 YEARS OLD!!!! I would say little brother but he is far from little now with 16 years of age and I don't even know how tall haha BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him! Man i love my family! That saying that says you don't truly appreciate something until its not there (or something like that, i forget English) is so true when it comes to how i feel about the anderfam...

Before I tear up I wanted to talk about love in honor of Valentines Day! Reasons why I LOVE serving a mission and being a missionary. I love to love and I love to serve. I was called to be a missionary before this life and I know my Heavenly Father is pleased that I'm fulfilling that calling.

God is hastening the work of spreading the gospel and the prophet has told all young people who are worthy and have a desire to serve a mission. I want to be obedient to the prophet of God because he is God's mouthpiece on the earth. I love building relationships with other missionaries and finding people, like my trainer Sister Kelly, that I'll always have to support me throughout this life and the next. I've seen the blessings of the gospel in my life and my family and I am SO BEYOND HAPPY when other families are able to enjoy those sames blessings.

I get to walk! i love walking! I'm completely submerged in a new and very different culture with new food and customs and language and I'm lovin it! I love being able to dedicate my whole self and all my time in thinking about others and their needs above my own. Most importantly, I love being a missionary because I love my savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. He is the reason.

My mom sent me a quote a while back that says:

"Someone has written "Love is a verb". It requires doing-not just saying and thinking. The test is in what one does, how one acts,for love is conveyed in word and deed."

Love your family above anyone else on this earth and love God above ALL else that exists. For He created you and me and put us in families to learn and grow and progress until one day all His children can return to His presence and live with Him again.


Sis Anderson

My throne

Are there limits in what we are willing to do in order to be a disciple of Jesus Christ?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I have a lot of quotes and scriptures that I thought I'd share as my weekly email because I loved them so much!!

"Preach the gospel at all times, when necessary, use words."

"And blessed are they who do HUNGER and THIRST after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost" - 3 Nephi 12:6

Humility isn't a sign of weakness, its a sign of spiritual strength.-Preach My Gospel

Mormon não diz o que sabe, presta testemunho
Mormon não afirma, testifica
Para Mormon não existe mentira, existe apostasia
Mormon não paqueira, procura um parceiro celestial
Mormon não casa até o morte e separe, sela para toda a eternidade
Mormon não pensa, pondera
Mormon não cuida da saúde, guarda a palavra de sabedoria
Mormon não tem intuiçaõ, tem o dom do espírito santo
Mormon não tem energia, tem fogo nos osos
Mormon não tem problemas, pasa por provações
Mormon não supera dificuldades, sobrepuja fraquezas
Mormon não morre, vai para mundo espiritual
Mormon não peca, fubeca
Mormon não lê só a biblia, estuda as escrituras
Mormon não reza, conversa com o Pai Celestial
Mormon não aconselha, exorta
Mormon não faz acord, faz convênio
Mormon não chama a atenção, quima
Mormon não é mormon, é Santos Dos Últimos Dias!

I realize its in Portuguese, but the message is clear: being different from the world in these times means to me following the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and humbly recognizing the Lord's hand in EVERYTHING we are blessed with. All he asks in return is humble service to the rest of His children who are searching for peace and happiness.

My love all the way from Brazil!!!

Sis Anderson




Monday, February 2, 2015

"Sim desde aquele ocasião até agora tenho trabalhado sem cessar para conseguir trazer almas ao arrependimento; para fazer com que elas experimentem a intensa alegria que eu experimentei; para que também nasçam de Deus e encham-se do Espírito Santo." -Alma 36:24


So i know the scripture is in português but thats the only language I read now :)

I've actually been pretty physically sick lately BUT this has helped me to have really good meaningful studies the afternoons when we don't leave the house. I was reading a talk by President Thomas S. Monson (the prophet of the church) about obedience. (My wonderful guardian angel Judy sent to me!) and these are some of the thoughts i had:

  • Obedience is and forever will be the 1st law of Heaven, it is absolutely ESSENTIAL to our eternal salvation.
  • The Lord requires our hearts and minds to be WILLING to follow the commandments and then to repent when we mess up. Never put off repentance.
  • Most importantly our Father in Heaven asks us to follow Christ's example: refusing to deviate from what we know is right. There are going to be decisions we make where one option might be a lot easier. But we need to choose the option that is right and fulfills the will of the Lord.

I'm realizing more and more and more each day how imperfect I am and how much I have to work on, but also how powerful the atonement is and the love from our Father.

"Except in the case of His only Begotten son, imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but He deals with it. So should we." -Elder Holland

One more week here in beautiful Brazil! I love it here and I'm grateful I still have a lot of time to learn and grow!

Até Mais
Sis Anderson

Faith (like a little seed)

Monday, January 26, 2015

I studied faith and pray this week :) As I was reading and pondering over the scriptures I came across a talk in the Liahona (a church magazine) and I felt prompted to share my study, or at least a part of it. In Alma it talks about our faith being like a seed and that just our hoping to have faith is enough to bring to pass miracles in our lives and be a part of the miracles in the lives of others.

"...exercedes uma partícula de fé, sim, mesmo que não tenhais mais que o desejo de acreditar, dexai que esse desejo opere em vós, até acreditardes..."
Alma 32:26-34

I realized that more and more each day I need to exercise my faith and then take my findings and questions to the Lord in prayer. Prayer is our personal sacred time to really converse with our Father in Heaven. And I know that He hears us and he answers us; maybe not in the time or manner we want, but he always answers.

"The size of your faith or the degree of your knowledge is not the issue-it is the integrity you demonstrate toward the faith you do have and the truth you already know"

"Be as candid about your questions as you need to be; life is full of them on one subject or another...don't let those questions stand in the way of faith working its miracle."
Lord, I Believe, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Apply your faith in your personal prays and in your daily actions! You WILL see miracles!

com amor
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Sister Anderson

Sister Silva!

On the bus!!!!!