Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Hardest most beautiful week of my entire life. Life as a missionary goes something like wake up at six and don't get back to your room till 10. In between nos fallamos portuguese sempre (haha). Seriously, like we cant speak in English our teacher says, so ever since day 1 we communicate pretty minimally (haha) no worries though when we have really good detailed funny stories to tell we tell them in English.
We eat a lot of weird stuff. The Brazilians like to make EVERYTHING into pudding. Wow mom, I was thinking about how much you would probably actually love it (haha). The toilet paper here is exactly like an upside down tissue box, so that's different and the soap comes out in little spritz.
Everything we read and is said to us is in Portuguese and it forces us to pretty much learn fast or die (haha). There are big scales everywhere to weigh luggage but we just weigh ourselves before and after meals for fun (haha). They're in kg so you feel good about yourself.
Im typing on a port keyboard btw, and they are weird and different so I can't put all the smiley faces I want or the punctuation (mehhhh). Anyway, we have lots of interesting fruits everyday and they make all of them into juice too! I love mixing flavaflaves and yesterday like most days we had rice and beans with a side of beans and rice. LOVED IT. We listened to a broadcast devotional Sunday night by Elder Scott and I'm 60 percent sure i saw my friend Sister Helton singing in the choir. I freaked out! Our teacher Irmao Britto is 23 and the nicest Brazilian man. He laughs at our English when we ask him how to say things in port (haha).
The presiding bishop came to the CTM and spoke to all of us last night. He said something really profound BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND (the end being exhalation and eternal life).
I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! Sorry this email is pretty jumbled and rushed but I wanted to tell you about fun things about Brasil. I need all the prayers I can get so thanks for them all!
Love you,