Monday, January 4, 2016


Monday, December 14, 2015

We had a special Sunday in our ward this week (which by the way was the very first ward here in São José do Rio Preto) that was a big event that we made sure that EVERYONE that has seen the church before or attended or is a member that hasn't gone for a while or are being taught were at church on this Sunday.  A Sister who is a professional photographer took pictures for all the families as a present that they'll be able to keep and put up in there home to remember of the importance that the family has in our lives! We took pictures with the other two sisters we live with :)

We had special lessons and one the teacher talked about centering our lives in Christ. She showed a video of a woman that plans her time and daily life by waking up, praying, writing a list of the things she has to do throughout the day, reading her scriptures to seek inspiration, and then going out and serving the people that she comes into contact with as she does all the things on her list. I thought about how effective this really is and how grateful I am for the rigid missionary life that helps us learn to be focused on the people we teach 100% of the time. I have found that it is almost always through people that I feel the love of my Heavenly Father and know that He knows me and cares about me. I loved this quote:

"The compassion of Chrsit-like friends deeply touches and changes our lives... in this church, prayers for help are often answered by the Lord through the simple daily service of caring brothers and sisters. In the goodness of genuine friends I have seen the reflected mercy of the Lord himself."
-Joseph B Wirthlin

I can testify to that statement as I've received letters and packages from so many I love back home and food and love and support from the extended family I have found in my service here in Brasil. I know that all people in our lives are there for one reason or another. I've been so blessed to have a wonderful family, friends, leaders, companions, and mentors to help lead and comfort and guide me throughout my life. But on top of all that, these people help me to be a stronger more faithful disciple of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We had transfers today but I stayed in my area!! This is the first time in my mission that I'll stay more than 3 months in one place! haha I'm with Sister Araújo on her last transfer and we are so excited to spend Christmas together!! It'll be way fun!!

Thank you all my "family"...(i say that because i feel like all of you are)
com amor
Sister Anderson




Gifts from fellow Americans :)


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