Monday, December 1, 2014


Monday, November 24, 2014

MOM! WOW! Happy birthday beautiful lady!!! I'm so excited for you because I know that you probably aren't excited to be another year older...sorry i brought it up... (haha)

So this week I started reading "Believing Christ" and I loved some quotes he said:

"Any two people who are joined together and have become one in a covenant unity are perfect as long as one of them is Jesus Christ"

How beautiful is that? I love how true this is!

"We must believe in Christ and we must believe in justification by faith in Christ. We must be committed tot both. Knowing that we cannot do everything that the law demanded from us in the gospel covenant we agree to do all that we CAN do. We agree to give our Savior our best effort to give Him everything we have. We agree that perfection is our ultimate goal and that we will work with him toward that goal. In return we also agree to repent whenever and however we fail to keep the commandments perfectly and to try again and again and again if necessary and never to give up repenting and trying to be like him."

Being here in a completely new culture, in a completely new world is such a wonderfully challenging experience. To be honest, I often get frustrated with myself and my inability to communicate how I think I should be able to.  I express this to sister Kelly (native Brazillian) and her response to me the other day was this, "Every day are you going to worry about how many more words you know our grammar you understand, or are you going to focus on the people?" That's the true answer: focus on the people. Love the people. The answer for me and the answer that the savior always gave was love, or charity, His pure love.

As I was praying the other night this thought entered my mind in regards to talking in Portuguese, but I think it applies to all of us with some sort of fear to share our faith.... "Let go of your pride. Let go of your worry that people will laugh when you speak or that you'll say everything wrong. Speak from your heart, not just from your mouth alone."

I know that when we have trials or fear to do something new and different that God will give us the strength IF WE ASK FOR IT and then RELY on his power! Ask and rely!

Saw a 4 foot long lizard this week. well....Sister Kelly actually almost stepped on it! (hahaha)
Oh, a really cool miracle happened too, Carlos is preparing to be baptized the 30th but he has a problem with coffee. The other week right after we finished teaching and left their house. Irma Val told us that the cup and coffee maker just broke!!! (haha) The Power of God is real!!!! Small and simple things shall bring to pass great miracles!


ps HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shut my foot in a door, but nothing is broken! 

 1/9th done with the mishhhh

matching the eggs

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